Know Instantly

When your realtor calls you with a potential deal, you want to know immediately whether it's an opportunity worth pursuing. Metadeal gives you an instant and reliable Good or Bad so you can know whether the deal makes sense, and know exactly how much to offer.

Smart Defaults

As soon as you begin filling out details, Metadeal will assign smart defaults to the fields you haven't filled in. This gets you to an answer quickly while allowing you to refine details as you go.


Avoid Spreadsheet Mistakes

Spreadsheets used for deal analysis are usually too detailed and error-prone for most rental investment property deals. And one little math error can lead to a bad deal. Don't fuss with that spreadsheet you found online. Trust Metadeal.


Run What-Ifs Like a Pro

See the analysis change instantly as you edit and refine numbers in the app. Negotiate like a pro when you see that the deal works at $200k but not $210k.